Fashion and film have always evolved together. On different occasions they have found methods to merge and create amazing fashion films and remarkable costume designs in films. This synergy did not start today but from as early as the 1930s when Coco Channel’s designs were transported to Hollywood from Paris for a fee of $1 million. Although the deal went south, Channel still channeled her design energy into the French screens and her designs were very notable in the 1953 movie Les Amants. Christian Dior in the 40s also began lending out his designs to small films; however, the most notable collaboration was that of Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn.
At the time, there were other notable film and fashion collaborations between Adrian and Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, and Jean Louise’s colabo with Doris Day in the 1950s. From the 1970s onward, fashion and film collaborations became a norm and names like Giorgio Armani, Nino Cerruti, Yves Saint Laurent, Donna Karran and Kelvin Clain became classical names that were taking up the fashion scenes from movie screens.
In the 1930s, Elsa Schiaparelli stated that the ‘film fashions of today are your fashion of tomorrow’, and she was not wrong. Being the sole designer for stars like Mae West, Margret Lockwood and Anne Naegle in various movies, she understood that fashion on TV were highly influential to the fashion choices of regular people and they inspired future clothing purchases of many.
Fashion in 80s Movies
Fashion designers always search for ways to display their art. Although the use of film was considered quite discreet, it still played a major role on boosting the careers of many designers. The connection between fashion and film had major political, cultural and commercial undertones, so fashion films came into existence.
In the 80s, film was a means of reflecting the fashion of the decade as always. One of the easiest ways of understanding fashion of the decade was through the movies. We had movies like:
The Breakfast Club
This 80s movie has every part of the popularity chain from the 80s well represented in terms of persona and fashion. The jocks had their attire set out for them, the nerds in their glasses and unfashionable fashion, cheerleaders in their choice clothing, outcasts and preps all playing their fashion role.

Dirty Dancing
In this 80s movie, the pop culture that was prevalent in the 80s was very obvious. The dancing was signatory of the 80s, while the fashion choices of Patrick Stacy and Jennifer Burney and Cynthia Rose.

Girls just want to have fun
Sarah Jessica parker captured the younger girl fashion with her suspenders over crop tops and cowboy style fashion.

This dance movie inspired everyone to want to dance. The fashion choices of the cast were a complete description of what the 80s typical fashion was all about. The sequins, dress patterns, suit styles, hair styles, patterns and everything made the fashion of the decade obvious in the movie.